How the US is Losing Against
Itself in Round Five of the World
Superpower Championships held in Syria
Manycoloured Manley Nowaseb
World Viewer |
Writer | Blogger
world has just witness, what I like to call the round five of the World
Superpower Championships held in Syria and what should we ask ourselves?
Assad proof himself as a better opponent to standoff the US regime change in
Syria and have the scenario gave a smooth transition to have Putin, proving that
Russia is the emerging superpower, with a better diplomatic point of view against
the US- as it is continuing to surface that the US are trailing in Syria?
should we ask?
the US simply play themselves out of the game, throwing away their power to the
east, by making repeated flaws which cost them to play the underdogs?
guess I will rather vote for on my second view and will back my point by the
following statement.
The US we knew
has never been so easy for any state in the world, to control the world, its
economy and its politics from a single city such as Washington DC, but the US
did, for many years, and they did it better all the time, therefore I will rule
that the US is losing its power to the east by self-flaws and not by political
US have successfully seized control in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Egypt just
to mention the few tough ones among the many other opponents. The US has
proofed to be the world’s super power for over five decades, so what have
happened? Where did the US make errors? Here-under I am looking at a few points
to set up a debate.
1. US
flaws at Home:
Announcement and Closing Guantanamo and others
After his election, the US commander
in chief Barack Obama, has made too many 'friendly' political changes including changes
to the US foreign policy’s, the very policy’s that had actually determine the
US political stand and its powerful reputation build over years, is the biggest
flaw among many.
They have quickly announced
withdrawing of troops from major opponent grounds such as Iraq, Afghanistan etc…
(regarded as terrorist territories) yet the announcement to close Guantanamo
was the worst announcement the US made, not considering the critical aspects and
the image that the facility had on its foreign policy on terrorism.
It was like announcing both: To empty
what has been seen by the world as a terrorist vault and in the same time announcing they have a fight against terrorists, was ridiculous.
That announcement did not only sent
out waves of questioning and skepticism of “terrorist” being released, but
it was found through the process, that most detainees where kept illegally and
where being tortured -that for a country such as the US which advocate for human rights and values-
was a bad hit.
Responsibility of Peace and Stability
Any country that aims to run up to
control the world economy and political system must first be unified in itself.
Another aspect the US has been so successful on in the past. Wisdom says, any
kingdom divided in itself cannot stand. Over the past two decade, the US has
presented weakness at home. Mainstreaming the September 11 bombing of the World
Trade Center buildings, the popular school shootings and other are evidence
that the US diplomats are not incorporated in combating peace at home and in the world.
Although we have known violence
based on economic straggle in the US for years, violence by police officers on African-Americans,
mainly teenagers was enormous, a poor presentation the US showed to the world.
This was despite the president himself being portrayed as coming from the
African roots. That approach (by the police) perfectly showed disrespect for
the head of state and that simultaneously put world sympathizers to see Barack
Obama as a poor leader challenged by his own subordinates, if I should put it
like that.
A kingdom is judge by the wisdom and
courage of its king, and a world is viewed through the eyes of the head of
state, if he shows weakness, the rest of the world will view him and his
kingdom (nation) weak.
Views and Press Announcements
I keep bringing on the rules of the
kings and kingdoms as you have seen above. You see, it is like chess throughout and
it is the bases the US have been successful all along, so why are they losing
it now?
The US has built its economy and its
political position through the press, it made sure that what it wanted the
world to hear was going to be heard and what not, did not come to surface. This
were tactics that an ordinary writer like me would have never known, but I have
learned them so easily because the blunders are all over, I heard a press
agency calling them “double standards.”
In the last term of Barack Obama’s
administration, contrary to any former presidents, it is evident that the US
revealed a lot of their top secretes of power handle through the US press.
It was like the US was giving away
its economic and political blueprint!
Frustrated diplomats answered press questions
with arrogance and leaked a lot to the world. One perfect example is, when the
US president insinuates that sometimes they (the US) have to twist the arms of
others nations in order to impose US foreign agenda.
While that is not just a blunder,
but a rating down by the foreign counterparts, it was also leaked how the US tapped
communications of some German diplomats and citizens.
Back on the usage of press to
promote agenda, it was revealed that the US has promoted propaganda news
flashes with fake or reprinted videos of situations in which US diplomats based
their political position on international news. I mean how embarrassing is it,
that it is revealed that a US diplomat make serious political view to any other
nation for their presumed “actions”, and the "action" video used in that news is a clip
from an event that took place two years ago?
2. Flaws
in Iraq, Egypt, Libya and Afghanistan
Like I have said above the US has
successfully seized control of Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan etc… The world
viewers however focuses on the aftermath and not on the figure of places they
showed power and won. The world is asking what have got to the four major
economies, which was crashed through US military intervention.
The US left the above countries in the
state seven times worse than it was when it was ruled by their so-called
dictators. Those where some of the most powerful economies in Africa and the
Middle East, left without proper governments or national administration
– that was revealed when the US recently bomb on presumed ISIS camps and the US knew they didn't have to ask government authorization, as they knew there is no official government in Libya.
The reason why I tackle on the above
is, while the world sympathizers cry about the loss of this economies which the US
left scattered, their opponents or equally competing powers, whether you say
are Russia, Germany or China, are filling up the gabs, by showing support
and rebuilding and automatically gain international relations with such nations. Honestly, China is
the forerunner of fixing broken economies globally, another thing the US
administration has been slow about, taking it from their past presentations.
While I am moving to Russia in the
next point, I must say Russia clearly got all the credit in the Syria-ISIS
Conflict and where there is credit given to one country to go up in the
ranking, there must be another that suffer the expense by going down in
ranking and this time it seems the US suffered that blow.
3. Flaws
in Russia
Apart from the long existing ‘cold-tension’
between Russia and the US, the US proposed sanctions against Russia, during the
Russia-Ukraine conflict, in my opinion was a flaw by the US administration.
This are my reasons:
did not consider the economic impact or relations Russia has in Europe, and that
the G20 is formed by more Europe and one US. How on earth would the dog bite
the hand of the one that feeds him? I am saying- it was not a calculated
announcement, therefore the sanction could not hold water.
Just so I back my point above; the
United States has thousands of embassies in the world, it is and has funded billions
on projects worldwide and many economies actually depends on them, is it
therefore possible in any way to sanction the US? No, by all means not!
It is almost impossible to announce
sanctions against any key world economic mover, remedy there is to come into
discussion to form a common ground of mutual agreement in any crisis.
This is what other major world
economies have realized including Russia and China as they move in building
international relations frequently as they know they cannot be sidelined from the world
economy if they would forever have influence on it.
they notice the suctions didn’t hold water, the US should have brushed it away
looking for other approaches to tackle the issue, but they have kept on
threatening more sanctions and isolation on Russia, this later turned into a
‘sanction circus’ and in the worlds view the US was a laughing stalk.
Remember kings had to sign crucial orders such as suctions by cutting their thump and placing it as a stamp of supremacy and there was no way that such sanctions where to fail, so you get what I am insinuating?
another flaw in Russia was when the west had recently asked President Putin to
convince President Assad to step off to allow stability in Syria. Even if that
action was not made by Putin, that announcement counts a lot from a political
perspective in favour of Russia, yet negative to the west. This shows that Russia
can be or is a reliable player of world politics reform and is seen an agent of
worlds conflict arbitration.
4. Flaws
in Syria
Looking at the US in Syria is that,
it took way to long for the US to actually take charge of the Syrian government
for two reasons only;
1. The Syrian people have proofed they
are loyal to Assad unlike Iraq, Libya, Egypt and Afghanistan governments which
were traded by their own people in fear of war and in believing war promotion
propaganda and
2. Commander in Chief, Assad has a very
strong and loyal army he led against ISIS and that would sound like I am agreeing
with my first question, about Assad being brave, yet my credit goes for his
loyal army. I must assure you, the US could have been extreme on Syria (not
like I am in support of it) if the US was under a different commander in chief.
I have listen to some political viewers
suggesting that US does not have any interest in Syria, suggesting that they just
don’t want Assad in power, a typical suggestion!
is like this, while the US did not have any major air attacks on ISIS
in Syria, Russia completely changed the scenario in Syria and suddenly
US engaged a major air attack on ISIS in Libya. Point is US are in
support of ISIS in Syria to have Assad go, but are apparently in conflict
with ISIS in Libya for US safety is questionable.
I would put my money on arguing that the US has a
plan with Syria just as they had with
Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq and Egypt and we must look deep to fix the puzzle.
This countries are either oil rich or are possible channels or influences of
the oil region, so interest may not always be direct, how about indirect interest?
How bad is the Hit on
US’s reputation from the worlds view is under scrutiny to the point that most
anti-US political commentators use media to stage US negatively and most government
move in a direction of looking elsewhere from the US is a bad hit if I must
say. Politics and economics will agree with me on this point and the following!
is in a state where it may be contradicted by other likely powerful nations on
major economic and political aspects which may come on debate. Let’s just say
the US through its recent military interventions is viewed as rather focused on
its own political and economic benefits, against the past world notion that the US was a
peacekeeper with a plan for economic and political development for most world governments.
That viewpoint was crafted to present the US as a big brother of most nations which
got support and resolutions through the US from their colonial adversaries,
today it is viewed the US acts in the contrary.
The US trust in God,
but can the world trust in the US?
tapping on private phone to sanctioning whistle blowers of matters related to human
rights to detaining and torturing innocent foreign civilians and the list goes
on -but how that is feed to the world at large, is the concern.
is just clear that the US government and its political face is painted so
poorly that it is going to give any opposition government, at least those with
stronger political views and with better economic standing, may stand against
the US on any ground, this may include violation of US motioned sanction,
disregard US military interventions and so on and that is only going to lead to
one end!
Can the US come back
from this hit?
they can always come back and reclaim their position, but will they is the
big question, because that deepens on what is
next? (See here
US is slowly becoming isolated, therefore must consider the old saying; “Keep
your friends close, yet keep your enemies even closer.” At this stage it is
crucial that the US uses the aftermath of the War in Syria so they must
reconsider their position from the worlds view. -and I call it aftermath because
I regard it fading, yet it depends on the upcoming president-
fact if they look at it from a 'US political and military intervention' point of view, they would see defeat and
would rather instigate war and I guess that is what Obama administration had
done in Libya just last week – trying to proof US is not losing.
am sure if the CIA is tipped by prank that Russia is planning a massive nuclear
attack on the US, the current administration would make less considerations,
but to pursue counter action. I thing that was demonstrated in a movie a couple of years ago, I
just don’t recall the name of the movie.
You see, I just don’t
want to sound like an Obama critic, but I must say the president is exhausted,
you could even take it from his opinion and expression when he told Donald Trump
he could never be president, he said; “… because it is not an easy job” and his
facial expression said it alike.
What is next?
a new president with a better approach on world politics and a good approach in
foreign policy development, the best approach is to regard what was done in
Syria and other as parts, as a lost chess games. It would be pointless if the next US president comes in with a view of maintaining the Obama plan, because the plan
had no clear strategy, but it’s up to the president after all.
my view Bernie Sanders and Ben Carson are more US homeland focused and even
though I have noticed they are neutral from the world’s perspective, they need
freshmen on defense and foreign affairs. People that can restore the
relationships of the United States with major world governments including
Russia, Syria and China.
that will present an agenda to reform the economies of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya
and I guess Egypt – which is becoming better.
on what is next and very important for that matter is that the new leadership must
restore peace and stability in the US and to unify Americans with each other
regardless of ethnicity or colour.
On Closing:
concluding I wanted to take on two major last minute flaws that I have not
featured in this article; Cuba and Apple.
visit and relationship by Obama, is a bad move. Frankly it is announced on the last minute
of Obama's presidency and it’s like something staged in vain. This relationship
is vital but that should have been the first move of a new president, not the
last kick of a dying horse.
Yes Cuba is a guardian of many nations that
survived the past oppression of liberation and colonial regimes and bringing Cuba back in the center of politics is a perfect US political move. For a fresh
president showing such courtesy to Cuba after so many years would have spin the
wheel for the US, but what? Obama had to do it anyway...
Apple, it is another bad move. I am very disappointed that the US government-CIA are not considering the efforts and reputation
that Apple has build -showing to its clients, their concern of client privacy. Apple is a huge
company with international influence and the US government must consider Apples
position internationally against looking at it from the US security interest
efforts will show distrust in US technology sector and that would result negatively seeing the world is in an era of high
tech information technology, and Apple is being among those leading the tech race.
It will show that US tech sector is unreliable for personal security and privacy, a scandal
similar to CIA-US tapping some phones of other nationals. It will burn the US tech industry, seriously!
the CIA have other means of surveillance's to catch-up with terrorist, rather
than terrorizing Apple? Don’t the CIA see that they poorly present their very
reputable agency by seeking a court order to have a
private organization summoned to do the job they would have done as a trusted US
security agency?
many other commentators on the matter, it will open a door for other hackers
including possible terrorist to risk the US and possible Apple tech users in
the future. So is it worth getting information today from that device and risk the future security of the US and the world? I am waiting to see the end of it.
that’s it from me, those are my views. There is space here under the post for
comments, I definitely welcome yours as well. It is always good to see things
from someone else point of view!
Bless America!
Manycoloured Manley Nowaseb
World Viewer, Writer, Blogger
Posted by: SmartPost Daily
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